Thursday 26 May 2016

How paint can change your home

It’s only natural that from time-to-time you’ll want to mix things up in your home and redecorate – you’re in there every single day, we’re sure you can sometimes fancy a change from your usual surroundings!
You don’t need to completely overhaul your home and furniture to give your home a new lease of life, and it certainly doesn’t need to cost a fortune. In fact, it could be as simple as a lick of paint!
We’ve teamed up with homeware supplies specialistKent Blaxill to show how a new coat of paint can make all the difference.

Make a feature wall
One tin of paint is all that stands between you and a transformed room. Feature walls have become a popular choice with homeowners – and with good reason.They can make fireplaces pop, highlight the best parts of your soft furnishings, or change the vibe of the room entirely. Want to add warmth? Go for bright orange. Want to add a fun feel? Trust us and brave turquoise. Mae sure the colour works in with the rest of the colour scheme – even if it doesn’t match, make sure the colour palette works together.

Get flow with a running accent colour
A brilliant way to change things up, as well as to get great cohesion through the home, is to have a single colour running through the property. Pick one that would go with your furnishings, and put a hint of it in all the rooms – with either a feature wall, or the whole room, depending on what works. This will freshen up your whole home, and create an entirely different look. Find out more about how to bring colour into your home.

Give existing furniture a new lease of life with furniture paint
It’s a bold and brave move to start painting your furniture, but it can really pay off; you get brand new furniture at just a fraction of the cost, and can choose exactly what colour it is. Pastel colours are a more typical choice, and you can use the same colour on a number of pieces of furniture – ensuring that the furniture matches perfectly. If pale colours aren’t your thing, there’s nothing to stop you going all-out and picking a vibrant colour to really show off your daring side, just make sure your room is large enough to handle the colour.

Add some fun with chalkboard paint                             
Chalkboard paint instantly transforms walls into a usable, re-usable and washable chalkboard. There are a range of colours available on the market, so you don’t have to commit to black walls to experience the fun of chalkboard paint. Once your wall is covered and dried, you just need a collection of coloured chalks and you’re ready to get creative! This is wonderful if you have children, who will see it as a new game and opportunity for fun – but it doesn’t exclude adults. Use it to write notes, for yourself or housemates, and to display your best artistic creations. With chalkboard paint, your walls will never be dull again!

Have a night on the tiles
Instead of paying the price of new tiles, and having the inconvenience of fitting them, you could try painting the tiles in your bathroom or kitchen. Tile paint is available in a range of different colours, allowing you to either refresh your existing colour choice, or try something completely different. Tile paint tends to be water proof, and is designed to be used in kitchen and bathroom environments, so you know your efforts will last!

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog UK

Four Home Improvements Designed to Help the Environment

Eco-friendly products and reducing your carbon footprint have long become a modern staple of life. It is important that we all do our bit to help the environment, lest we leave our children nothing left of the environment to enjoy. While global warming is a relatively small problem nowadays to the average Joe, it is still important for you to contribute to helping the environment in some way, so that we can continue to enjoy this green earth for as long as possible. 

It also works out for the best if your environmentally friendly energy saving methods are also cost-effective and if you’re smart, you can often find a few ways of reducing your carbon footprint while at the same time also reducing your heating and electricity bills. Does this sound like something you would be up for trying? Read on for four of our home improvements designed to help reduce your bills and to help the environment!

1.    Energy Saving Light Bulbs
Nowadays it is far better to invest in energy saving light bulbs than it is to have regular light bulbs. The first wave of energy saving light bulbs were dull and easily breakable, making them a poor alternative to the modern day lightbulb. However experts have greatly improved the technology since then and often energy saving lightbulbs you can buy can even be brighter than the regular kind. Added to the fact that you can save up to 80% on the cost of electricity and these are a purchase well worth making. 

2.    Upgrade/Replace your Boiler
The longer you wait to upgrade or replace your boiler, the higher your chances of getting a fault or a breakdown when you need it most. Many of us don’t really need to use our boilers during the summer months, so they often get neglected until the cold winter, where a breakdown if more likely to occur. If you are stuck with an ancient boiler, for now, it is important that you check its functionality at least once a month in order to avoid having an emergency engineer come out in the dead of winter to fix a failing boiler.
An expert will always recommend that you upgrade or replace a boiler if it is three or more years old. Newer models are designed with energy saving in mind and use less energy in order to heat your house. Older boilers are also less accurate at gauging the temperature, so you could be spending more money on heating up your home when you don’t need to. 

3.    Installing Double Glazing
While an expensive investment initially, double glazing is highly recommended by many experts, particularly if you’d prefer not to heat up the entire street. Helping to reduce moisture, condensation and the growth of mould on the interior of your windows, double glazing also helps to reduce draughts and keeps the heat tightly locked into your home. For hotter summer months, double glazing also prevents the heat from getting in, so there is no fear of getting caught in a greenhouse during heatwaves!

4.    Solar Panels!
If you want to go all out with your energy saving and money saving mission, consider installing solar panels on your roof. It is often considered a major step towards independence as the solar panels greatly reduces your need for electricity, although it can be unsightly and visually polluting to your neighbours. It is important that you gain permission beforehand, even if you own the property in which you are currently living, as some people are highly against solar panels so it would be a waste of money to have them installed, only to receive a letter from your local town council stating they should be taken down. 

Initially, solar panels can be quite expensive, but over the years, they will pay for themselves in terms of money saved over electrical and heating bills. Whether you want to consider them as an investment, or you just want to go the whole hog when reducing your carbon footprint is up to you. 

There are a number of other, smaller amendments you can try to help reduce the costs of heating and electricity in your home at the same time as reducing your carbon footprint. Using food waste in a compost bin to help grow your own vegetables, for example, or make your own draught excluders so that you don’t have to keep the heating on as long during the winter. Every little helps and if you take a little more time to think about your energy output, and what you can do to amend it to help the environment, you would certainly be doing your bit to preserve it for future generations.

Article provided by Mike James, an independent content writer working together with Sussex-based boiler system, central heating and renewable energy specialist BSW Energy, who were consulted over the information in this post.

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog UK

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Why Your Home Decor Doesn't Have To Be Boring

When you walk into someone’s home, it can be easy to tell if they did all their interior design shopping in IKEA! These days, lots of people rely on the same big stores to decorate their house. However, your decors don’t have to blend in with all the other houses on your street. That’d be too boring! So next time you need to decorate your room, you need to remind yourself that it shouldn’t be too standard and follow an obvious trend. Why not? Here are some very good reasons.

Use Family Photos

If you stick to what the professionals tell you, then you won’t be putting up too many photos. Most interior design trends at the minute are all about minimalism. And that means no clutter! However, adding family photos to your rooms can add a nice, personal touch to your rooms. You don’t just have to stand them in photo frames. Get more creative and make cute collages. You can even get your images printed on various fabrics!

Add Colour

Lots of people tend to stick to neutral shades on their walls. This is a very safe way to decorate as there is hardly any way you can go wrong with such pale colours. But it can look ever so dull and boring! Brighten up your home with vibrant colours and funky patterns. If you know the basics about matching colours together, then you can’t go far wrong. If you don’t feel brave enough for a big wall covered in one bright colour, add vibrancy to a plain room by adding little injections of colour. Use a perspex sheet to create your own colourful ornaments and wall hangings.

Incorporate Fabrics

Fabrics are another way to keep your home decor fun and lively. Patterned fabrics on cushions, rugs and blankets are brilliant when it comes to livening up a room. And they will also make it feel super cosy as well! Think about using fabrics in unusual ways to create a unique decor. You can pin thin fabrics to the ceiling of a bedroom to give the appearance of a tent top. This is such a good idea to use in children’s nurseries!

Show Off Your Hobbies

If you have a passion in life, you should let it shine through your home interiors! Enthusiastic travellers might want to show off some of their mementos.Or other souvenirs that they have collected from around the world. While keen gardeners usually like to fill their homes with a plethora of house plants and flower arrangements. Whatever your main hobby is, try and incorporate it into your decor. How you do this is entirely up to you, as there are many ways it can be done. Think about displaying some sentimental items, antiques or other collectables that are in some way related to your hobby.

Now that you’ve read this blog post, you’ve got no excuse for a boring home decor. So it’s time to get creative and start planning your next decorating project!

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog UK

Boiler breakdown survival guide

The Boiler Breakdown Infographic

This infographic is created by .

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog UK

Friday 20 May 2016

How to Get Blue Hydrangeas

The beginning of summer is one of my favorite times of year. The days stretch, my spring allergies finally start to subside, and I get really excited to tackle more of my to do list (yet somehow, still make it longer). But, I think my favorite thing of all is when the hydrangeas start growing in.

blue mophead hydrangeas

I may not like how spindly they look during the winter months (because they turn into depressing bundles of sticks), but when their beautiful mophead blooms return, I’m always reminded that they’re worth their winter ugliness.

(By the way, this post includes affiliate links* — I only recommend products I love, but linking to affiliates provides me the essential things I require to write this blog… like beer money.)

blue mophead hydrangae

The hydrangeas are all growing in taller and healthier than ever. When spring rolls around, they form new leaves and buds that shoot off from their existing stalks, so I resist the urge all winter long to not trim down the sickly-looking branches in order to reap the rewards when things start to bloom again. This year, my patience really paid off, and the ones in the back yard against the house have seen the biggest benefit (they were petite back in 2013 when I planted them, but this is how they looked just a few weeks ago!).

healthy hydrangeas spring

Since I have three healthy plants of the same type which bloom and rebloom all summer long — I think this will be the first year that I try to propogate new ones from the existing plants. I’ve just bought some root hormone, so I’ll create a tutorial on that for you in a month or so if I manage to actually make them grow (I may have enough dead or dying plants in my gardening history to be Tim Burton’s botanist, but I’m getting better each year!).

yellow and blue hydrangea blooms

The one in the front yard flowers in shades of blue, but the ones in the back of the house tend to grow in pink and purple. They are all the same variety, but the color of the flowers are determined by the acidity in the soil.

How to get blue hydrangeas

You can enrich either color with soil fertilizers (such as this one for blue and this one for pink), or you can try some home remedies (I sprinkled the soil in the back with coffee grounds over the winter to help increase acidity, but it may take a few seasons to see a true color change). The pine straw that I’ve had naturally falling around the plants also increase acidity.

new hydrangeas blooming

Other plants have also been growing like crazy around the front and back yards, but that will be for a future time, another post. For now, I’ve got to get back to work on updating the area around the A/C unit; I’ll have new pictures up in just a day or two!

How about you? What’s blooming in your yard this month?

*A quick word on “affiliate links” and my reference to them: you will see me often disclosing that I’m using “affiliate links” in posts when recommending products; all this means is that if you click and buy that product as a referral from my site, I am compensated — usually just cent or two at a time — for having linked to the thing I’m talking about. Basically, it’s just a means of earning an income for something I’m already doing (i.e. completing projects and explaining what I use to accomplish them), but this doesn’t impact or increase the cost of the items purchased. If you read blogs regularly, these disclosures may get a little repetitive at times; laws in the U.S. & around the world now require the use of both specific language and specific placement within content. These things are always changing, too, kind of like the adulting version of Simon Says. I’ll try my best to make it entertaining enough for you guys that it stays fresh. So this time, “thanks for the beer money” — it keeps me writing and far more enjoyable around my friends and family (which means they thank you, too). x0x0

The post How to Get Blue Hydrangeas appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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from The Ugly Duckling House

Thursday 19 May 2016

Creative Ideas for Awkward Loft Conversion Spaces

The loft conversion is underway but all of a sudden, those quirky spaces from the blue-print are looking a bit redundant … so what can you do? In truth, oddly shaped, impractical spaces are commonly found in loft conversions but it’s easy enough to turn them into spaces to be adored, rather than ignored …

Play with position

Positioning the furnishings and items for the room can be a good way to try out ways of maximizing space and also for identifying preferences.
For instance, having the bed against an upright end wall might achieve plenty of headroom but may leave few areas in the rest of the room which have height for wardrobes. The alternative of locating the bed against a lower wall just under the sloping ceiling may leave more space for wardrobes but mean the potential for accidental head bumps when getting up in the night. By trying the different ways, you can identify what works for you in terms of enjoying this lovely room you’ve created, with a view to then trying out ideas for savvy storage to fit into the remaining spaces and ways to use natty niches.

Fitting in

Built-in units and customized, fitted furniture can be a loft space stalwart which brings the benefit of custom-fitted to the space. Quirky corners and sloping ceilings can be taken into account to allow space to be used to its maximum potential and in ways which enhance, rather than impede the flow of the room.
Built-in wardrobe storage is almost a must in order for a loft bedroom. If full height walls are limited, it can help to think of wardrobe storage in terms of ‘tops and bottoms’. These items do not need a full height wardrobe and extra space can instantly be created by building in a double decker hanging system to accommodate them. If this is the ideal solution for fitting in clothing, but it leaves full length items lurking, these can always be stored in an alternative bedroom or a single full height wardrobe which will take up much less space than a double.


         Provided by: Abbey Lofts

Similarly, if there’s no room for traditionally sized bookcases, ladder-width shelving can be created floor to ceiling to give narrow, but necessary additional storage, whilst built-in modular units and pigeon hole type cubbies can provide ideal storage for clothes, shoes and toys, depending on the use of the room.
Another benefit of custom made furniture is what it brings to the design and style of your room: furniture can be created to complement the materials used in the conversion, such as a particular wood or painted finish, to achieve a full design effect such as a Scandi style or with a tiled finish for a contemporary feel.

Making the bed up

Even though a loft bedroom is already at the top of the house, taking the bed to the next level by creating an elevated bed is another way of gaining additional storage. If headroom is limited, a bed could be elevated simply by creating a storage drawer bed base or cabin type bed with storage below. However, if headroom is no problem, then creating bunks or raised bed areas can move the beds off the floor to create storage or additional leisure space.

Work on the window space

One of the great features of a loft room is the window with its view above the roof-tops. It’s possible to maximise space and make the most of the views at the same time with the creation of a window seat with hidden storage. Dormer windows lend themselves particularly well to this as they have a natural width and depth which would often otherwise be wasted.

Floors and ceilings

One of the problems of loft spaces comes from low ceilings but these, whilst limited for storage, can offer alternative uses. Where significant wall space for pictures and decoration might be limited, low ceilings can be easily stencilled or decorated with wallpaper or textiles to create artistic features and areas of interest. Fun space for children can be achieved by using blackboard paint on low walls or ceilings, to give them their own art space in a loft playroom, or can be used similarly in a loft room study / office to offer a ready-made notice / reminder board.

Below this, floor space which is limited in its use due to the roof pitch can still be used for built-in storage and for low-level items such as blanket boxes which can offer their own storage potential. Low height tables such as coffee tables are ideal as bedsides for low beds (useful for making the most of low ceiling height) and, used with floor cushions, can be used to create a simple lounge or reading space in an apex of the room where sloping ceilings would otherwise mean dead space. Fabric cube cushions / seats are also another good choice as textiles cosy up the room.

Steps to storage

Another feature often overlooked but always under foot with a loft room is the stairway. The tiny house trend of cubbies and drawers being built into stair treads has sparked many innovations in stair storage, whilst using alternative stairways such as space saver staircases is a good way to ensure that the stairs take up the minimum space.

Finally, it’s also wise to think creatively about how storage is accessed – using sliding doors and curtained spacescan take up less room than using swing-open doors, whilst placing mirrors, hooks or pocket storage on the insides of any doors you do have will mean these doors themselves will offer storage or space maximising attributes and allow you to make the most of your loft room. 

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog UK

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Timeless Home Décor Trends

Keeping up with interior design trends is a near impossible task. It seems as though every season there is a completely new design tip or colour scheme you need to abide by in order to get your home looking amazing. It is fine for the magazines but let’s face it, it is highly unlikely that you will redecorate each room in your home each season, yet alone each year.

Now, we all demand something different in our homes, whether its style, luxury, practicality or comfort. The common theme however, is that our homes are something we all take pride in so we all look for them to be as attractive and welcoming as possible. So instead of trying to keep up with the transitory trends that will most likely change before you even finish your first revamp, why not opt for timeless décor that will leave your home looking stunning for longer. Below we have listed the top tips to keep you interior looking amazing all year round.


As mentioned, the ‘in’ colour scheme seems to change as quick as the British weather. Obviously there will be recommendations that say you should alter you rooms to compliment the summer and winters months but this is just not plausible.

Nobody wants a room within their homes that is dull and mundane, as subconsciously you’ll find yourself avoiding the room and a lot of us don’t have the luxury to waste space. By electing for lighter and brighter schemes it creates astand out,inviting feel.

You cannot keep up with every trend but what you can do is invest in fascinating accessory additions that provide you with the complimentary colour you need. Take advantage of items such as throws, scatter cushions, vases, ornaments and lamps. They’re simple to swap in and out during the course of the year If you want a cheap way of making subtle alterations to keep things fresh. They allow you to make those noticeable statements that catch the eye of guests and family when entering the room.


Unless you’re living in a showroom, you’re going to need a certain level of comfort in your home, otherwise where else are you going to relax! Home owners too often get obsessed with owning such intricate, bespoke furnishings that they forget about there practicality. If it doesn’t work in your everyday life, it’s a pointless purchase that you’ll find yourself replacing after a few months.

This also ties in with the fact that you shouldn’t look to cut costs when it comes to furniture. You always need to be aware of the long term nature of your home décor rather than a quick win withsomething that’s trendy but cheap. By keeping your room timeless, you should see it as a longer investment from the moment you decide to decorate it.It is simply not timeless if you have to replace your newest piece because it breaks or because you can’t relax on it so you need that piece that looks great whilst standing the test of time.

Therefore, think about what works for your house. If you have kid’s, you can’t expect to put glass everywhere and expect no damage! Today, people are getting more innovative and creative with their furniture. They’re upcycling their tired old pieces, turning them into brand new modern day delights and they’re even bringing rattan furniture from outside, inside to gain longevity away from wear and tear.

It’s all about being practical and assessing your situation. Some sofa’s stay with families for decades so look for options that canfit with a variety of coloursin the case you do decide to decoratefurther down the line. That way the pieces stay looking great in your setting and they can be re-admired for many more years to come.

Find That Natural Light

Lighting can make or break a room. People too often acknowledge that light is important, yet then proceed to block out natural light and choose colour schemes or furnishings that make a room like dark and dull.

Don’t be that person. Nobody wants a dingy room in their homes so don’t settle for less. You need to utilize what you’ve got. Look to pick window treatments that let in more light and where that light is at a premium, invest in some lights that give the room a friendly, warm glow. If there’s a shortage of windows, look for light fixtures and lamps to make up for the dreary appearance.


Like most things in life to do with style and fashion, less is more. Don’t let you home get cluttered. The less you have taking up that all-important space, the better your home will look as a result. Look to implement clever storage solutions into your home that tuck away all that unwanted mess, whether its toys, remotes or papers.

Minimalism should be implemented into your layout, decoration and furniture. Ensure everything is in proportion to your overall room size and get tough on yourself. Do you really need all of those little ornaments? Do you need an extra side table or magazine rack? By keeping what needs to be there, you’ll find that you create a long-lasting, stylish and on-trend room that replicates something you’d be proud of showing off.

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog UK

The Household Tasks You’ve Been Putting Off for Too Long

Many of us have a long list of things we want to do around the house someday. But actually
doing any of those tasks just feels like work, y’know? And who wants to do work at home? We’re here to relax, to get comfortable, to just do our own thing. After hard days at work, the last thing we want to do is run through a list of more work to do on our homes.

But once you’ve gotten some of these household tasks done, you’ll feel so much better for it. And I’m not talking about the kind of tasks that you should be doing frequently anyway. Taking out the trash, doing some dusting... those are things you’ll just have to do again tomorrow or next week, anyway!

I’m talking about tasks that have more long-term effects. They may be more time-consuming, but they are totally worth doing. So consider taking a day or two off work to do one (or all!) of these tasks. Or just do it over the weekend!

Going environmentally friendly

Things have definitely changed since the nineties and early 2000s. Now, it seems, most families are actually very eager to go green in their homes. But taking steps to go as green as possible at home definitely does take time. It’s because there are so many little changes to make that it all adds up! You could just do a task a week for a while. But why not just set aside a few hours and go through a big list?

Switch all your light bulbs to CFL bulbs. Find out what paper correspondence you’re receiving that can be switched to online versions. (Bank statements and invoices, for example.) Get a private energy audit to assess what other improvements you can make at home!

Getting rid of all that junk

Over the years, we all accumulate so much stuff. And there’s no word more apt for describing those possessions. It’s just... stuff. We don’t need it and it’s just cluttering up our homes. Actually going through everything and getting of things, though? Definitely harder than it sounds.

But you can do it! Get a schedule together and go through every room. Get rid of all the clutter. If you don’t use it or love it, it’s clutter. The clothes you don’t wear. The books you don’t read. That chair no-one sits on because you can feel the springs digging into you. Don’t be afraid to get rid of larger items! You can get help from a removals company if you’re done with those large objects.

Clearing and updating your computer

Does your computer sound like it’s about to take off and fly whenever you turn it on? Does it lag? Does it take more than three seconds for the start menu to appear? Then you probably need to declutter your computer as well as your house.

Get a USB stick or, better yet, a big external hard drive. Get all those images and videos onto that drive. Delete anything you don’t think you’ll use again. If you’ve ended up deleting gigabytes worth of stuff, look into defragging. You should then look into updating your hardware - your graphics card probably needs an update, for example!

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog UK

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Holocaust garden could be renamed by hero who rescued hundreds of children

A MEMORIAL garden is set to be renamed in honour of a British humanitarian who saved more than 600 children during the Second World War.

from This Is Local London | News

Murder trial: brothers were 'pumped up' and 'aggressive' during fight before pensioner's death in Tooting, jury hears

Jurors saw footage of Peter Lee being run over on the second day of the trial at the Old Bailey on Tuesday

from This Is Local London | News

Show me the Money: Bexley couple lose house and pensions as they are ordered to re-pay half of £300k NHS theft

A Bexley couple who stole nearly £300,000 from the NHS to fund fancy meals, lavish holidays and expensive shopping trips have been ordered to re-pay half the defrauded money.

from This Is Local London | News

Software engineer committed suicide at North Sheen station, inquest hears

Suman Valavala, 33, from Isleworth, died at about 9.45pm on December 4, 2015.

from This Is Local London | News

Photo archive helps Merton's library and heritage services make award shortlist

Merton Council will go up against seven other authorities with the winners announced on June 16.

from This Is Local London | News

Runners have a crack at the Naturist Foundation's naked 5k race

Missed the marathon? Well, you've now also missed your first chance this year to run in the nuddy - but don't worry, it's just the first of a year of events at the Naturist Foundation's estate between Swanley and Orpington.

from This Is Local London | News

Police hunting pervert who pulls his trousers down in front of women

A PERVERT who pulls his tracksuit bottoms down before performing a sexual act in front of women is wanted by police.

from This Is Local London | News

Photos of 'wipe-clean' Walthamstow flat go viral

Pictures of a Walthamstow flat, decorated almost entirely with blue tiles, have gone viral after the apartment was listed for rent online.

from This Is Local London | News

'It's extraordinary' - Headteacher takes job at old school

A HEAD teacher who took a job at his old school says it feels “extraordinary” to return as the boss.

from This Is Local London | News

'The phantom trial': Court claims two-day Enfield land dispute trial never took place

ANSWERS are being demanded after court officials said they had no records of a two-day hearing which happened in January.

from This Is Local London | News

Here's what really happened to the water slide at Harrow Leisure Centre

If you grew up in Harrow in the 1980s and the early 1990s, chances are you remember the water slide at the Harrow Leisure Centre.

from This Is Local London | News

Two men from south London arrested on suspicion of funding terrorism

Two men from south London have been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to provide terrorism funding.

from This Is Local London | News

Trial date set for man accused of Dan Young murder in Morden

Mark Loveridge is charged with Dan Young's murder and stabbing Kamil Bulat

from This Is Local London | News

Hospital launches new scheme to help dementia patients

Whipps Cross Hospital is introducing a new scheme to help patients with dementia record their preferences, in a bid to improve their hospital experience.

from This Is Local London | News

WATCH: Chinchilla escapes down hole behind toilet and is rescued by plumbers

Sooty the chinchilla, aged one, made a dash for freedom through the nook behind the toilet and after an extensive search of the home, Justine Panay decided to call engineers from Dyno to help find the pet, which belongs to her son, Tom.

from This Is Local London | News

Bexley's Gareth Bacon elected to run two committees in Greater London Assembly

Bexley and Bromley’s newly elected assembly member has been voted the chairman of two Greater London Assembly (GLA) committees.

from This Is Local London | News

Teenage girl, 15, missing from Roehampton

Daisey-May Burton went missing wearing a dark Superdry coat and bag.

from This Is Local London | News

Original Routemaster rolls up for dementia awareness

An original Routemaster London bus is bringing a musical travelling show to delight older people during dementia awareness week.

from This Is Local London | News

This great-great grandmother still has a “mischievous” sense of humour at the age of 100

THIS great-great grandmother may be turning 100 – but she still has a “mischievous” sense of humour.

from This Is Local London | News

Car dealer trades BMW for a bike in charity commute

The owner of a car dealership has traded in his usual drive to work for a bike in order to raise money for charity.

from This Is Local London | News

Bollywood dance school appear on Britain's Got Talent

A DANCE school took a never-seen before version of Bollywood and hip-hop to the Britain's Got Talent stage.

from This Is Local London | News

Long term foster carer thanked by Mayor of Wandsworth in foster care fortnight

Pearl Howard was given an award to mark her work with children in the borough at the Mayor's Parlour on Monday, May 16.

from This Is Local London | News

Hundreds take part in fun run for hospice

HUNDREDS took part in a run to raise money for an “important” hospice.

from This Is Local London | News

Plans for development of The Standard to go on show

Plans for the future of the former Standard Music Venue site in Walthamstow will go on show to the public next week.

from This Is Local London | News

TV chef opens Jimmy’s BBQ Club in Clapham for summer

Celebrity chef Jimmy Garcia – dubbed the pop-up king – is popping up again this summer with his own BBQ Club at a secret garden in Clapham Old Town this summer.

from This Is Local London | News

Route unveiled for Croydon stage of international bike race

Riders will speed past the Town Hall, Clocktower, Surrey Street Market, and Queen’s Gardens when the international series returns to the borough on June 7.

from This Is Local London | News

Superhero students charge through park for children's hospice

TEACHERS raised £2,000 for a children’s hospice by dressing as superheroes and running 10km.

from This Is Local London | News

Farnborough football club aiming to raise £7,000 to secure promotion after league win

The race is on for members of a historic football club in Farnborough who need to raise £7,000 to fund improvements to its changing facilities, in order to secure their promotion into the next league.

from This Is Local London | News

Holocaust survivors: Sigi's story

The Times and Independent Series have teamed up with Jewish Care's Holocaust Survivors Centre in Hendon to tell the stories of those who saw first hand the atrocities of the Second World War. Here is Sigi Ciffer's story.

from This Is Local London | News

Man, 18, hit with baseball bat in unprovoked gang attack in Belvedere

An 18-year-old man was reportedly assaulted with a baseball bat in an unprovoked gang attack in Belvedere.

from This Is Local London | News

Half of group who allegedly attacked Frenchmen outside Kingston nightclub were "so drunk they do not remember fight"

Nathan Peardon, 23, Scott Moodie, 28, Scott Nicholls and Jay Beer, both 21, are all charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm after they allegedly attacked two Frenchmen after drinking in the Viper Rooms nightclub.

from This Is Local London | News

Are you connected to a memorial bench along Queens Promenade? Kingston's mini-Holland team wants to hear from you

Cycling bosses need help to find the relatives of dozens of people whose names appear on memorial benches along the Thames

from This Is Local London | News

Outrage as second family planning clinic closes in three months

OUTRAGE has met the decision to close a second family planning clinic in the space of three months.

from This Is Local London | News

X-Men Apocalypse review: Struggling to keep pace with the Avengers

At a time when the Avengers are setting the bar for comic book superheroes, it’s up to the others to keep up and that includes early pacesetters X-Men.

from This Is Local London | News

Putney boy awarded for bravery after battling rare form of eye cancer

Vinnie Chandler-Shaw, from Whitnell Court in Putney, was diagnosed with retinoblastoma (rb) when he was just eight months old.

from This Is Local London | News

'Nightmare at nine o'clock': Fury at cars driven on pavements near school at rush hour

Neighbours have warned daily traffic chaos on their street could have deadly consequences unless something is done.

from This Is Local London | News

Book Review: The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley

‘It had certainly been a wild end to the autumn. On the Heath a gale stripped the glorious blaze of colour from Kenwood to Parliament Hill in a matter of hours, leaving several old oaks and beeches dead. Mist and silence followed and then, after a few days, there was only the smell of rotting and bonfires.’

from This Is Local London | News

Book Review: The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley

‘It had certainly been a wild end to the autumn. On the Heath a gale stripped the glorious blaze of colour from Kenwood to Parliament Hill in a matter of hours, leaving several old oaks and beeches dead. Mist and silence followed and then, after a few days, there was only the smell of rotting and bonfires.’

from This Is Local London | News

Book Review: The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley

‘It had certainly been a wild end to the autumn. On the Heath a gale stripped the glorious blaze of colour from Kenwood to Parliament Hill in a matter of hours, leaving several old oaks and beeches dead. Mist and silence followed and then, after a few days, there was only the smell of rotting and bonfires.’

from This Is Local London | News

Book Review: The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley

‘It had certainly been a wild end to the autumn. On the Heath a gale stripped the glorious blaze of colour from Kenwood to Parliament Hill in a matter of hours, leaving several old oaks and beeches dead. Mist and silence followed and then, after a few days, there was only the smell of rotting and bonfires.’

from This Is Local London | News

WARNING: The fashion statement which could scar your child FOR LIFE

Children could be left with blisters, painful skin burns and even permanent scarring if they get black henna tattoos this summer – skin experts have warned.

from This Is Local London | News

Basketball fundraiser to be held in memory of teenager

Friends and family of a teenager who died suddenly will stage a basketball tournament in his memory next month.

from This Is Local London | News

Dementia cafe launch to show people 'there is hope'

A DAUGHTER who was inspired to launch dementia clubs after seeing her mother’s plight is running an awareness day.

from This Is Local London | News

JAILED: BMW driver who caused pedestrian's death then drove off and tried to cover crime

A BMW driver from Norbury has been jailed for causing the death of a pedestrian who he hit in Streatham before driving off and trying to cover the crime.

from This Is Local London | News

School celebrates day of cultural diversity

A celebration of culture was held by an Enfield academy last weekend.

from This Is Local London | News

WEATHER REPORT: Shades at the ready for sun across the South East

Grab your sunglasses for a warm day with plenty of sunshine, especially during the morning.

from This Is Local London | News

Holidaying Richmond police officers rugby-tackle 'bag thief' off bike in Barcelona

Andy Le Geyt, acting sergeant, threw himself at the alleged thief after he and his colleagues heard someone shouting for help near Placa de Sant Jaume, Barcelona, on Friday.

from This Is Local London | News

WEATHER: Warm and sunny Tuesday before showers and possible thunder tomorrow

Today will be warm with plenty of sunshine, especially in the morning, with temperatures reaching up to 20C.

from This Is Local London | News

Two cars broken into by 'thieves on a moped' in Sheen

Police want to speak with two suspects about the thefts, which took place at about 9pm.

from This Is Local London | News

Graduates to get fast-track social worker training from mental health trust

South West London and St George's will partner with the Think Ahead charity to give graduates on-the-job training from September

from This Is Local London | News

Monday 16 May 2016

The Modern Touches to Add to Your Bathroom

Making your bathroom a little more modern than it currently is can be really difficult. It can be hard to know where to start and how to go about making these changes. So, to get you started, here are some ideas that will get you thinking and give you some inspiration.

Change the Lighting

The lighting in your bathroom is very important. It’s impossible to make your bathroom feel modern if you haven’t got the lighting arrangements right. So, you should consider what you can do to change the situation. Adding some small and simple accent lights might be the best way to make the lighting more effective. Or you could install a series of small spotlights in the ceiling that lights up the whole room. These are often better than having one large light that you have to rely on. You can go to to find out more about lighting.

Make the Bathtub a Focal Point

If you can make your bathroom the focal point of the room, you will instantly make it look more modern. Having a standalone bathtub in the middle of the room is a very modern design idea, and you should give it a try. If you have a standalone tub, there is no need to put it in the corner of the room or against the wall. As long as your bathroom is big enough, you could put it in the mddiel and work the rest of the furniture around it. It’s definitely something to give some thought to.


Hang an Interesting Mirror

Mirrors are vital assets in your bathroom, so you need to make sure that you have a good one in yours. If you want to give your bathroom a more modern twist, you should think outside the box. You could see if you can find any interesting mirrors in antique shops, for example, and then update them. Even if the glass is damaged, you can get it replaced easily enough. The mirror will help to reflect the light in the room, and it will also add something new to the walls of it.

Install a Modern Shower Unit

Shower units can often go out of date pretty fast, so you might want to change yours. Modern shower units tend to be more minimalist. They are very simple and clean. So, if that’s what you’re looking for, you should head to a website like for more information. Alternatively, you could create a wet room in a corner of your bathroom rather than having a conventional shower cubicle.


Add Some Colour and Art

Adding some art to the walls of your bathroom is a great way to completely transform it. And it’s something that is pretty easy and straightforward to you. You just need to seek out the kinds of artworks that look good in your bathroom and you like. It adds something new and unexpectedly modern to the room. You should also add some new colours to the walls. Instead of using the dull and conventional colours that all bathrooms have, why not try something a little more interesting?

from Home My Heaven: Home Improvement Blog UK

Tributes to 'kind and gentle' nurse stabbed to death South Croydon mental health hospital

Patrick Clarke, 68, died while working at Southleigh Community Hospital in South Croydon on Thursday afternoon.

from This Is Local London | News

Brothers charged with murdering pensioner in dispute over cannabis factory robbery plead not guilty

Jason Lewin and Stuart Palmer denying murder 75-year-old Peter Lee

from This Is Local London | News

Festival fashion

Coachella festival in California kicked off the season late last month, with celebrities establishing the new styles and this year there are two distinct looks to choose from.

from This Is Local London | News

Comic takes on American road trip for new documentary

A Walthamstow comedian is hoping to realise his dream when performs stand-up across America as part of a new documentary film.

from This Is Local London | News

PICTURED: Earlsfield welcomes London's biggest trampoline park

The capital’s biggest trampoline park has opened in Earlsfield.

from This Is Local London | News

Enfield and Barnet among first councils to offer £12m social worker bursary scheme

Councils in north London have been selected to pioneer a £12m social worker training scheme

from This Is Local London | News

TOWIE star masters golf for children’s charity

A reality TV star put his best putt forward to help a children’s charity raise £13,500 during a golf day.

from This Is Local London | News

London’s first Paella school opens in Battersea

A cookery school in Battersea is the first in London dedicated to cooking Spain’s national dish.

from This Is Local London | News

Charity is searching for mentors to help “self-destructive” young men rebuild their lives

A CHARITY is searching for mentors to help “self-destructive” young men rebuild their lives.

from This Is Local London | News

Woman missing from Hampton for two weeks

Police and family are growing increasingly concerned about Gillian Baker, 52, who has been missing from her home in Robin Close for two weeks.

from This Is Local London | News